Top 10 Caribbean Festivals You Can’t Miss!
Our dear friend Google describes a Festival as a day or period of celebration, typically for religious reasons. In the Caribbean, we take that definition, infuse it with our culture and make it our...
The Vital Link Between Tourism and Transportation
Tourism is a multi-billion dollar global industry. It occurs internationally, regionally and even intra-nationally. This industry also happens to be a mainstay of many regional bodies in the Caribbean whether it serves as a...
Trinidad Carnival on a Budget
The official countdown to the biggest event in Trinidad and Tobago is on - Carnival! Soon, visitors and locals will descend upon the streets of Port-of-Spain for “the greatest show on earth."
Ring in the New Year with Fireworks on the Waterfront
If you are in Jamaica, an excellent way to close out the old year and ring in the new year, is Fireworks on the Waterfront, a free annual event in downtown Kingston at Victoria...
Christmas in Jamaica, Beaches Ocho Rios Style
Christmas in the Land of Wood and Water
You have decided to escape your harsh winter environment for the Christmas season, or perhaps you just need some downtime. Your bags packed and you are headed...
5 Things You Didn’t Know about the Caribbean
There’s still so much to uncover when it comes to the melting pot of cultures that is the Caribbean.
A NEW FIRE musical experience
The New Fire Festival successfully showcased various local artistes and offered an outlet for greater appreciation of our local music and culture.
NEW FIRE Festival 2019
The warmth and friendly smiles seen throughout the festival epitomized the truly wonderful time visitors, workers and campers experienced. The campers truly enjoyed this weekend out in the open, part of a naturally serene and picturesque environment.
Step into The Gallery: Where Retail and Luxury Collide
The Gallery, luxury store offers travellers a modern shopping experience and a cozy, customer-friendly layout, brought to life by interior designer, Euzhan Horsham.