1 (868) 235-6622
Invaders Bay Tower, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad
We help businesses find the right way to work.
For more than 30 years, we’ve helped businesses find and create the perfect workspace for their people.
Our extensive network of locations enables companies of all sizes to work wherever, and however they need.
The Regus difference
We believe in giving businesses choice, flexibility and access to a thriving community. We create bright, inspiring workspaces that can be customised to individual needs, within consistently professional environments. Our office space, coworking environments, business lounges and meeting rooms come with everything taken care of. Experienced, friendly teams sort all the details and services, so people can be more productive and stay focussed on what’s important.
Our flexibility sets us apart. Everything we do is on flexible terms, so businesses can effortlessly scale as needs change, and take on workspace that’s right for them today, and tomorrow – wherever they need to be. By building a global network of workspaces we enable businesses to work closer to home, closer to clients, closer to new opportunities.