
Sabrina’s Exotic Caribbean Fusion

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  5. Sabrina’s Exotic Caribbean Fusion
Phone: 1 (868) 461-0603
D'Abadie, Arima, Trinidad and Tobago, Arima, Trinidad

Sabrina's Exotic Caribbean Fusion is a proud, local, family-owned company which serves to use our local produce to push the envelope of taste and creativity. Our products show the diversity of our cuisine and its ability to evolve into new and exciting products and dishes. Our brand is centered on originality, health and sustainability. Besides our chutney and probiotic health line, we are most known for our gourmet pholouries. This is a seasoned pholourie - somewhat of a hybrid between a pholourie and saheena . This is also prepared stuffed, with a variety of fillings such as chicken, shrimp, crab, smoked salmon, cream cheese etc. This is then served with our line of exotic chutneys and sauces. We hope that though our work we can inspire others to recognize and appreciate the beautiful things that our island has to offer. In the future, we hope to expand our company into the regional and international market, showing the world the excellence of our people and culture.

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