
Business Entrepreneurship Network

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Phone: +1 (868) 462-2329

Business Entrepreneurship Network

The Business Entrepreneurship Network (BEN) connects early stage entrepreneurs in the Caribbean with information and resources necessary to transform ideas into successful products or services.
BEN also serves as a think tank for ambitious business owners who want to build relationships and grow their businesses.

Through research, events and the media, we bridge the gap between entrepreneurs and necessary stakeholders to help make the Caribbean the best place in the world to start and grow a business.

BEN supports entrepreneurs by:

- Providing training and resources to grow your business;

- Producing cutting-edge research outlining strategies to remain competitive;

- Hosting regular events to bridge the gap between the aspirations of the entrepreneurs and their dreams;

- Building a network of entrepreneurs who are interested in synergistic relationships;

- Championing entrepreneurship and making the case for a more entrepreneurial society.

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